More ways to engage with your MPs
Why write?
The word from insiders in MPs’ offices is that emails and letters are taken very seriously – and counted! For everyone who takes the time to raise an issue with them, they know there are many more people who feel the same way. If they receive lots of correspondence on a particular issue, it will be discussed in policy meetings and can have an effect on decision-making. | ![]() |
MPs are supposed to respond to all communications from their constituents, but they are much more likely to sit up and take notice of a personal email or letter as it shows their constituent cares enough to take the time.
You don’t have to be an expert. Keep it short (a page or less) and personal. Write what you feel. Explain why the issue matters to you and, most importantly, what you want your MP to do about it.
If you'd like to have some company while you're writing, join one of our MPEGs (MP Engagement Groups)! And to receive regular tips, issue briefings and event information to help you engage with your MPs subscribe to our monthly MPEG News Update
Here are some examples, tips and issues to get you started!
We’ve prepared some issue briefings on current important climate issues for you – each briefing has a summary and background notes with suggested questions to ask, who to send it to and an email example of how to do it. Choose an issue that appeals to you, click on the photo, and go for it! Then, when your MP replies (or doesn't!), follow up and keep them accountable – check out the tips in the speech bubbles below. When you've written or spoken to your MP, we'd love to know. We're heartened that so many people and organisations use Climate for Change's issue briefings and other resources. However, we need more funding to keep up the work. To apply for grants its crucial that we can demonstrate our impact. So, please, whenever you contact or engage with an MP (email, meeting or call) log your contact here: |
Energy transition |
Demand an end to seismic blasting and damage to ocean ecology |
Ask the federal government to stop Middle Arm and Beetaloo fracking |
Stop Viva’s proposed floating gas terminal in Corio Bay |
Demand a stop to gas drilling near the 12 Apostles |
Carbon dumping diverts funding from real emissions reduction |
Ask the federal government to stop mining coal and gas now |
Demand an end to government subsidies for fossil fuels |
Gas cooking, heating and hot water is cooking the planet |
Say NO to the polluting Narrabri gas project |
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Climate and environment |
Demand the new act is passed in this parliamentary term |
Demand protection for our Great Barrier Reef |
Tighten land clearing legislation across Australia |
Demand governments preserve wildlife habitat |
Demand an end to native deforestation |
Ask government to support better agricultural practices |
Climate justice |
We must phase out fossil fuels to protect health |
Enshrine a duty of care for future generations |
Our food security is at threat from global warming |
Human Rights claim due to Australian inaction on climate |
Support Pacific Island Nations right to climate justice |
Democracy and governance |
Repeal draconian anti-protest laws in most states |
Ask your council to set net zero targets |
Demand Government releases this “too hot to handle” report |
Make an appointment to meet with your MP |
Congratulate and connect with your new or re-elected MP |
Advocate to increase transparency & accountability |
Submissions and briefs |
Links to climate-related projects accepting public submissions |
Support an online campaign or petition |
Log your contact with elected reps here!
More helps and tips
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Email templateWrite one from scratch |
Writing tipsGeneral guidelines |
Get publishedWrite a letter to the editor |
Following upMy MP has replied! |
No responseIt's been a month! |