⭐︎ MPEG zoom meetup ⭐︎ Recent local group actions ⭐︎ Current issues ⭐︎
Dear MPEG leaders and supporters,
Welcome to this month’s MPEG news!
Subscribe to the MPEG News Update
Our recent September MPEG Community Event
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Last month’s community event with guest presenter Leigh Ewbank (from CANA) was well attended, with a mixture of MPEG regulars and newbies zooming in to hear Leigh’s views on climate issues and strategies. The climate movement is asking for support for Saul Griffith’s pitch to the Australian Government to “electrify everything”, modelled on Biden’s signature climate legislation, for which Saul was an advisor. Other |
issues mentioned included pushing for a genuine climate partnership between Australia and Pacific Nations, and asking the federal government for a science-based 2035 emissions target.
Next zoom MPEG 23 October
Due to the number of new people who have contacted us we’re going to hold an online action session on Monday 23 October at 7.30pm (AEDT). Join us online to put effective pressure on our Federal and State MPs by writing emails about current climate issues and planning calls and visits to them. It’s amazing how much better taking some positive action makes you feel. If you're new to this activity there'll be plenty of help and all the resources you need to take effective action. Whether you're a newbie, or have joined us before, everyone is welcome!
Climate wins, hope in Canberra, Court challenges, and local MPEG actions
People power at work: The Federal Court has revoked Woodside Energy’s approval to conduct seismic blasting for its Scarborough Gas Project in WA after a legal challenge by a Traditional Custodian, though Woodside may appeal the ruling. And, thanks to individuals and organisations across the country, NOPSEMA needs to review more than 30,000 submissions on seismic blasting planned for between Tasmania and Victoria, and we hear that most of them are anti-blasting! It’ll take the regulator a while to read them all!
Due to pressure from the climate movement and the Greens, the Federal government has finally announced a Senate Inquiry into the Middle Arm gas precinct proposed for Darwin Harbour.
Also in Canberra, PM Anthony Albanese said he will do more to accelerate the transition to low emissions, declaring the “right decisions” are needed to ensure Australia emerges a winner in the global race to renewable energy. The government is developing a policy response to the challenges and opportunities created by the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) before Albo’s visit to Washington in late October.
Court challenges:
WIN: A Melbourne uni student has won a case that bond investors were misled because the government failed to disclose how climate change might impact their investments.
👏The Environment Council of of Central Queensland is taking Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to court over new coal and gas approvals.
👊 The State of California is suing oil and gas companies for misleading the public on climate change
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Eezu and Marlene’s MPEG in Erskineville (Sydney) celebrated sending more than 250 letters to MPs last month! They’ve been having guest speakers at each of their sessions, including climate scientists, NGO workers, and climate consultants, to learn more about climate solutions. This month they’re having a First Nations speaker about the Voice referendum. Follow the Erko Climate Writers on Instagram. |
Why YES is good for climate action:
First Nations people often suffer the worst climate impacts. First Nations people are leading many campaigns against fossil fuel extraction on their lands and seas across the country.
Where First Nations people have land rights and care for Country, the outcomes for nature and biodiversity are better too. By supporting First Nations people’s formal power to raise issues with decision makers, we will increase their power to protect their Country and benefit us all.
A “NO” vote would send a message to governments that ambitious policy is electorally dangerous. A ”YES” vote will have the opposite effect. We need governments to be ambitious on a range of issues, including climate.
Timely actions to take with your groups:
Keep writing, calling, and visiting your MPs and ask them to lift their game.
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The new EPBC Act: (issue briefing updated 2 October 2023) This is taking far too long! The Albanese Government needs to fulfil their election promise and fast track reform of the EPBC Act - including a water trigger, which would help to stop fracking. Check out our EPBC Act briefing and add a request for a moratorium on any new fossil fuel projects until the EPBC Act is properly assessed and strengthened. |
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Duty of Care: (issue briefing updated 1 October 2023) Youth activist Anjali Sharma is back in court to challenge the Federal Government’s duty of care to future generations who will be affected by climate breakdown. She’s supported by Independent Senator David Pocock who introduced a Duty of Care bill to Parliament that maintains adverse effects of climate change violate the rights of children. The Bill was referred to a Federal Senate committee inquiry. Public submissions will be accepted until 20 October 2023 and you can sign the petition here. |
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Ban Seismic blasting (new briefing on website) in the whale-rich waters of the Great Australian Bight, the iconic Kimberley coast, the scallop-rich waters of Bass Strait and the fishing haven off Newcastle’s coastline. It leads to profound environmental damage, and disrupts whales' navigation and communication capacity. |
Other timely issues to engage with your MPs about are to support the PM’s announcement to accelerate the transition to low emissions, and ask the federal government for a science-based 2035 emissions target.
In addition, check out the submissions and petitions links on the webpage for current issues. And, there’s more issue briefings on the MPEG webpage.
The usual reminders:
Visiting and calling your MPs is even more powerful - if you’re new to this we can help mentor you through the process
Don't forget to follow up if your MP doesn't reply – and to keep the conversation going when they do! Tips for this are in the speech bubbles at the bottom of our briefings page.
Join our MPEG volunteer team – we need you now more than ever! There are roles assisting with writing issue briefings, monitoring public policy, calling and emailing interested folks, general admin or posting on social media. Please reply to this email if you are keen 😎
RSVP to our next MPEG Community meetup on 23 October, 7.30pm AEST
MPEG resources and supports:
Support to start a new local MPEG: email [email protected] or fill out the form on our website
Join the MPEG Whatsapp group for daily discussion and help on engaging with your MP: email [email protected] if you’d like to be added to the group
Mentorship for your current MPEG: email [email protected] to check in with Carly, Peter, Chris or Sue
MPEG resources and Issue briefings – on our website
Thanks for all that you do. Please keep up the great work and hope to see you at the event on 23 October!
My very best wishes to you all...