~~ The Safeguard Mechanism ~~ MP lobbying blitz ~~ Zoom MPEGs in 2023 ~~ How to run a successful local MPEG ~~
Hello and happy new year, MPEGs community!
I hope you have been resting and connecting with nature over the summer.
We have another big year of action on climate ahead of us, and I feel like we are on the cusp of some positive changes — if we keep up the pressure and battle the greenwash. Let’s get stuck in!
Subscribe to the MPEG News Update
In the news
On January 10, the federal government announced the proposed redesign of the Safeguard Mechanism, which is the main policy tool it will use to meet our net-zero commitments. But in the current policy, unlimited offsets could allow big polluters to buy their way out using carbon credits instead of actually reducing their emissions. Article: Australia must not rely on emissions offsets.
Now is the perfect time to schedule a meeting with your Labor MP or Senator to talk about it and ask them to lobby within their party for a stronger Safeguard Mechanism. We are working with groups like Solutions for Climate Australia, the Australian Conservation Foundation, the Climate Council, Friends of the Earth and more to get as many meetings with MPs happening as possible in February and March!
- Thank you to Solutions for Climate Australia for this great briefing with tips and an email template: THE DIRTY DOZEN CAMPAIGN: GUIDE TO MP MEETINGS
- RSVP here for a briefing webinar on Wednesday 15 February, 6:30pm-7:30pm AEDT
- See our Mini-briefing on the Safeguard Mechanism for all resources collated
To get these meetings happening in time, you’ll need to set up a meeting with your MP or Senator very soon! Come to our next Zoom MPEG on Feb 7 and we’ll help you get that email sent off, or help you with any climate issue you are interested in engaging your MP on using our extensive resources.
Join our next Zoom MPEG on the FEBRUARY 7TH
In other news, two of 18 new fossil fuel proposals around Australia are pulling the plug on their proposed coal projects – Glencore’s Valeria Project and Malabar Coal’s Spur Hill, due to community pressure. This is huge! Congratulations to Environment Justice Australia and their Living Wonders campaign, and thank you to everyone who braved the EPBC portal to write a submission (as per our November MPEG update) — making formal submissions really does make a difference!
Local MPEGs making waves
Over the last few months, our local MPEGs have gone from strength to strength. We have much to learn from these local legends who started their own group from scratch last year — and had fun doing it!
Eezu and Marlene in the southern suburbs of Sydney have been bringing friends together in their lounge room to listen to guest speakers, talk about climate issues and write 100s of emails — they even made a cake to celebrate their 100th email sent. So cute.
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They have put together some easy-to-digest resources (including the tips below), and since August 2022 have made their local MPEG a welcoming and fun space for people to take action on climate, often for the first time. Well done Marlene & Eezu — we can’t wait to see what you achieve this year!
Five things you need to know to take action on climate - Marlene Baquiran
Upcoming training webinar March 15: How to run a successful local MPEG
We’ll hear from experienced local MPEG hosts around Australia, and you can share wins and challenges from your own groups with others in our community and the wider climate movement. Learn how to create and motivate a group that works with your local context and is effective in its actions.
RSVP here for March 15th MPEG training!
Current actions to take with your groups
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Make a submission and meet your MP about the Safeguard Mechanism: It is likely that this policy will be locked in by Easter, so we need to move quickly. Organise a meeting with your Labor MP or Senator, and see our issue briefing which collates information, links from other groups, and actions to make a difference on Labor’s proposed policy changes. And have your say by February 24 – make a submission here. |
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In case you missed it… new issue briefing! |
All of our issue briefings, templates and tips can be found on our website: Writing to MPs. Check it out!
Click on the button above every time you or your group write a letter, make a call or visit your MP. This will help us track the impact we have as a collective, and inspire more people to step up to action!
Add this link to your browser bookmarks for future use
Add this link to your browser bookmarks for future use
Reminders and Links
- Following up on your MP: Don't forget to follow up if your MP doesn't reply – and to keep the conversation going when they do! Tips for this are in the speech bubbles at the bottom of our briefings page.
- THANK YOU to our fabulous volunteer team for all your ongoing work! Our MPEGs program is mostly run by volunteers – passionate people just like you who are striving to create the changes we need in society for real action on climate.
- If you would like to join our team and assist us with issue briefings, monitoring public policy, calling and emailing folks interested in joining a group or posting on social media, please reply to this email 😎
- In 2023 we will be holding a Zoom MPEG every 2 months, with in-person events and online training happening in between.
RSVP for all in-person & online events on our C4C Events Calendar
Brisbane Creativity and Climate Social Meet-up
- Saturday 4th February, 8:30am, Art with Love in Bulimba, QLD
Melbourne Facilitator & Volunteer Social Catch-up
- Saturday 4th February, 10am, Merri Creek Reserve Nth Fitzroy, VIC
Next public Zoom MPEG session
- Tuesday 7th February, 7.30pm-9pm AEDT
Volunteer Bush walk & MPEG - Meeanjin (Brisbane)
- Saturday 25th February, 9am, Mount Coo-Tha Forest, QLD
- Next online training webinar, March 15: How to run a successful local MPEG
Here’s to another year of positive action led by our amazing community of climate legends – that’s YOU!
See you at an event soon,
Carly, on behalf of the MPEG team