Our latest offering to support the C4C community to take real, effective action on climate now.
We’re currently living in the critical decade for bold action on climate change. By 2030, we need to achieve at least 75% emissions reduction in Australia to mitigate the worst effects of warming, which means bigger, better, stronger environmental policy at all levels of government in tandem with real action in communities. That’s where we come in.
If you’re already familiar with Climate for Change, you’ll know that we leverage the power of conversation between peers to create the social climate for effective action on climate change. Since inception, we’ve engaged over 11,000 everyday Australians through our flagship Climate Conversations program, helping those concerned about climate to make sense of the confusion and overwhelm, and take action in various ways.
In 2022, we’ve gone a step further towards helping people act, personally and among their community - enter the Climate C.A.F.E!
“The C.A.F.E. menu helps me to clearly show my friends HOW to take climate action on a range of things, from divesting to writing to our MP. I'm looking forward to our next meetup!” - Debbie, C4C community
The Climate C.A.F.E. is a 90 minute session which anyone can host and run in their home or online. It's about connecting with a group of friends to take action on climate change together in a variety of ways while keeping each other accountable. The focus is on actions that have the potential to create real change inside the systems we live in. All that’s required is a computer, internet, pens and paper.
So what do these sessions look like?
Our written guide provides the host with clear instructions on how to facilitate from start to finish. They begin with a short welcome and introduction, acknowledgement of country and setting of group norms to keep the session flowing, respectful and to time.
Next, C.A.F.E. attendees are then invited to choose from a menu of actions to participate in together:
- TALK: having new conversations about climate change
- POLITICS: engaging with your local MP
- ENERGY/MONEY: shifting your energy or money away from fossil fuels
- LEARN FROM FIRST NATIONS CULTURES: discovering information about the traditional custodians of your local land
- MY STORY: Creating and sharing a story about why you support strong climate action.
“The C.A.F.E. was super great to run. I had friends who didn't know how to get started with climate action saying how eye-opening it was.” - Eezu, C4C Community
A Climate C.A.F.E. event last weekend at a Sydney pub, hosted by Eezu Tan
Within the C4C community, C.A.F.E. groups are sprouting up all over the place, where groups of friends and neighbours meet regularly to enact one of the menu items together. The sessions are an excellent way of getting things done - perfect for those who might procrastinate, prefer the support of like-minded people, or need some guidance on what to do and how.
Register to host a one-off or regular C.A.F.E. with your friends, family, neighbours or colleagues here!