Climate for Change’s Community Fundraising Manager, Marta Zajac, and Data Volunteer, Olivia Bicks, partnered with Our Community for a full day hackathon-style workshop as part of the annual Deloitte Impact Day on November 22.
Marta and Olivia represented Climate for Change at a full day workshop aiming to identify essential insights from our fundraising data and outline steps for our fundraising team on how we can fund, develop and grow our work.
We were joined by Our Community Innovation Lab team, along with eight volunteers from Deloitte. The day was divided into two hacking parts, during which volunteers divided into working teams tackled some of the questions and challenges the C4C team had for them.
Marta introducing C4C and outlining questions for the day.
After both the first and second segment of hacking, each team presented their findings. Some of the most exciting things we found were that our donor base, giving tiers and gift upgrade rates have been growing since our inception in 2015.
Deloitte volunteers and Our Community team members hacking away.
This was a day packed full of fantastic insights and we can’t wait to see what our fundraising team will be able to achieve thanks to this initiative.
A huge thank you to Our Community for hosting us, and to Deloitte and their employees for volunteering their time, knowledge and skills during the day. We would like to particularly thank Sarah Baker from Our Community for approaching us with the concept and organising the day.
You can also read more about our hackathon at Our Community.