In mid-last year, we set ourselves a goal to have trained volunteers facilitating Climate Conversations in every single Australian state and territory by the end of 2021. And we’re just one state away!
To achieve meaningful climate action in Australia, we need everyone on board.
We want to really listen to what Australians are thinking and how they’re feeling about climate change: not just those in cities or certain areas, but people in regional and rural areas, and all over the country.
There are important conversations to be had – that’s why we’ve now expanded our Climate Conversations to 7 states and territories across Australia.
Thanks to the support of our generous community in our 2020 June appeal, we were able to invest in our online infrastructure. This has allowed us to reach hundreds of people who are concerned about climate change and want to learn how to take action, without being hindered by physical boundaries.
We can now give people who are concerned about climate change the tools and inspiration to take action. We can train volunteers wherever they are, so they can inspire others to take action on climate.
But we want to be doing this in every state!
If you’re a Tasmanian who’s passionate about climate action, or you know someone who is, please check out our work. We have free online courses, workshops and resources that can help you get involved and informed.
Help us get our Climate Conversations happening right across the country, and build climate action in Australia!