Episode 6: Tanaya Joshi's Climate Action Journey

Stories of Change Episode 6 - Tanaya Joshi's climate action journey.

We’re already six episodes in! This week, we meet Tanaya Joshi.

Tanaya joined the C4C community as a fellow in our 2022 Communications & Fundraising Fellowship. A passionate environmentalist, Tanaya currently works at the environmental charity Earthwatch as their Impact and Communications Officer.

In this episode, she speaks with host Kirtana about her shift from general science to the climate space, after graduating University with a Masters in Environment and Sustainability. Tanaya shares why she joined C4C as well as actionable steps on how to inspire others in the climate movement.

A young professional with so much passion for action, Tanaya’s is one to listen to for inspiration.

Listen now on Spotify.


Tanaya is a fellow of C4C and currently works at environmental charity Earthwatch as their Impact and Communications Officer. As a graduate of the Masters in Environment and Sustainability, she knew that climate action needed people power more than anything else. The tech, the science and the solutions were ready and waiting to be harnessed, but she felt that the social momentum was the missing part of Australia's climate puzzle. She joined the Challenge for Climate because it helped her connect with her community to build that people's power for action on climate. She says "I was tired of feeling helpless about the state of our planet. It has been an incredibly rewarding experience to be vulnerable, open and honest with my friends and family about climate change, and have conversations that make a difference. Thanks to C4C, I have renewed my enthusiasm for climate action." Tanaya comes to us from Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung country. 

Aboriginal flag Torres Strait Islander flag

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia, whose sovereignty was never ceded. We acknowledge that Indigenous peoples around the world are at the forefront of climate change, both in experiencing its effects and leading solutions for change. We pay our sincerest respects to all Elders, past and present.