Stories of Change episode 3 - the power of young people to inspire climate action in Australia's most conservative electorate, with Suzanne Mungall.
In this episode we meet Suzanne Mungall, who lives on Wakka Wakka Country in South Burnett, South East Queensland. Suzanne is part of an agricultural community, where there is a coal-fired power station in the town. Suzanne shares her story of joining Climate for Change, her growing confidence as a climate activist, and how even the smallest conversations about climate change are having an impact.
Suzanne Mungall, self-proclaimed ordinary rural mum, is a relative newcomer to climate action. Her naivety bubble was first pierced by conversation with her son’s teacher about plastic waste. From these initial conversations only 3 years ago, Suzanne is now a daily activist – supporting education, practical and political action in her conservative rural area and understands the need for daily conversation about this vital issue.