Next Zoom MP Engagement Zoom session - 17 April

Our next zoom action session will be on Wednesday 17 April at 7.30pm (AEDT).

Join us online to put effective pressure on our Federal and State MPs by writing emails about current climate issues and planning calls and visits to them. If you're new to this activity there'll be plenty of help and all the resources you need to take effective action. 

Whether you're a newbie, or have joined us before, everyone is welcome!


Parents for Climate's Solar Our Learning campaign

At the March Zoom MPEG, Mike Pulsford, Campaign Manager for Parents for Climate spoke about their “Solar Our Learning” campaign, which visited Canberra last week to ask the federal government for solar panels on all schools, kindergartens and childcare centres across the country. P4C’s research shows if every school was powered by renewable energy, at least one coal-fired power station could be closed and there would be lower energy costs for all schools. 

Mike is asking for help to promote the “Solar our Learning” campaign in your interactions with schools and MPs.

P4C also have an organisational open letter asking governments to support schools and childcares to install solar. Can your organisation sign the letter?

Let the PM know you support his Net Zero Economy Authority

On Friday 22 March, the PM spoke in Newcastle about decarbonising and electrifying the economy, partly in response to the US IRA legislation and the UK's proposed Green Deal. Tell him you support this policy direction. If you need help getting started, here is an email example.

Labor flips on offshore gas bill

Labor has announced changes to the offshore gas bill that would have effectively removed powers from the Environment Minister for approvals or knockbacks to new projects. This backflip is thanks to pressure climate organisations and constituents like you on your Labor MPs. About a dozen Labor MPs spoke up in Caucus and pushed for changes to the bill. The Greens and Independents also lobbied for changes to be made. This is great news but there's still work to be done. There needs to be further amendment of the bill to preserve consultation with First Nations peoples who have custodianship of the lands and seas where offshore developments are proposed. You can read more here and here.

2 October 2023

⭐︎ MPEG zoom meetup ⭐︎ Recent local group actions ⭐︎ Current issues  ⭐︎

Dear MPEG leaders and supporters,

Welcome to this month’s MPEG news!

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1 September 2023

⭐︎ Online MPEG community meetup ⭐︎ Recent local group actions ⭐︎ Current issues  ⭐︎

Dear MPEG leaders and supporters,

It’s officially spring this month, although it's felt like spring for a while now with warmer days and some confused plants flowering early. I’m nervous about the predictions of increased bushfires this summer, particularly after the horrors of the northern hemisphere summer this year.  But, I have to admit, I’m (guiltily) loving the increased sunshine and looking forward to a sunnier summer after three years of rain and clouds!

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8 June 2023

⭐︎ Online MPEG community meetup ⭐︎ Recent local group actions ⭐︎ Current issues  ⭐︎

Dear MPEG leaders and supporters,

Our MPEG coordination crew (Carly, Sue, Peter and Chris) have decided to take it in turns writing these updates, this month it’s from Sue 🤓💃. Hope you’re keeping warm and well wherever you are in Australia!

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4 April 2023

~~ UPDATE on MP lobbying blitz for the Safeguard Mechanism ~~ How to run a successful local MPEG ~~

Hello MPEG hosts and supporters,

I hope you’re doing well and getting into the swing of this year. There’s plenty of government action to commend and inaction to be working on. And our local MPEGs have been taking up the challenge with MP meetings and actions galore!

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11 May 2023

~~ Changes to our MPEGs program ~~ Update on recent MP lobbying blitz ~~ Keep in touch with the MPEG community ~~

Dear MPEG leaders and supporters,

I hope you are all well and keeping warm as the days grow shorter. By now you have most likely heard about the changes happening at C4C, as we transition to a community-led organisation with no permanent paid staff.

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Episode 8: Climate Conversations with Maggie Cowling

Stories of Change Episode 8 - We all have a role in making the changes we need, regardless of our expertise, employment or power.

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Aboriginal flag Torres Strait Islander flag

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia, whose sovereignty was never ceded. We acknowledge that Indigenous peoples around the world are at the forefront of climate change, both in experiencing its effects and leading solutions for change. We pay our sincerest respects to all Elders, past and present.