**POSTPONED due to poor weather** new date TBC
Throughout the last few years of the pandemic, the climate crisis hasn't gone away. There is growing public momentum for our governments to act on climate and now is the time to build on that. The more of us who demand action, the more our politicians will listen.
Join us at the pub in North Sydney for some social time + climate action — it’s amazing how much better it makes you feel, working together and encouraging our politicians to follow through on their promises and make things happen in parliament!
We need to keep up the pressure, demand that whoever ends up in power takes a stronger position on emissions reduction targets, supports a Climate Bill and invests more in renewable energy.
No matter which electorate you live in, we can help you to write a clear and effective letter to your MP, other ministers, and also reach out to candidates before the upcoming federal election and ask them what their position is on climate change.
If you have never written to a politician before, come along and we can help you get started. You'll need your laptop or tablet, and we'll have templates, materials and ideas to make it easy to make a difference.
If you have already contacted your MP and have received a lacklustre reply, we can workshop a follow-up plan together, and make sure we’re still keeping the pressure on at this crucial time.
Please RSVP below to receive updates & resources, and allow us to book enough space at the pub.
Please bring: Laptop or tablet for writing emails
See you at the Greenwood Hotel for a drink, a chat and and some climate action!
Covid-19 Policy
The safety of Climate for Change staff, volunteers and Climate Conversation participants is our highest priority at all times. In order to attend an in-person C4C event all attendees must provide proof of their status being fully vaccinated against COVID-19.