RSVP for our Zoom MP Engagement Group (MPEG) – Wednesday April 5th 7.30-9pm (AEST)
AGENDA: Learn how to write to your local Federal MP (Member of Parliament) about current climate issues
Our country needs significant changes to climate policy and a strong plan for the future. There are huge opportunities for transitioning to a cleaner, more sustainable economy, and there is growing public momentum for our governments to act on climate. The results of the 2022 election saw a huge shift towards candidates with stronger climate policies all over Australia, not just in city centres but also in regional and rural areas. Now, MPs know that if they don't deliver strong action on climate, they won't be re-elected!
The new parliament is more climate friendly but our work is far from over. We need to keep the pressure on our elected representatives to make sure they follow through with their election promises. A safe climate future is still uncertain. The more of us who demand action, the more our politicians will listen.
Join us online to put pressure on our MPs by writing emails and planning calls and visits – it’s amazing how much better it makes you feel, working together and encouraging each other to get some action in parliament!
We need to keep our politicians on their toes. It matters to MPs what the mood in their electorate is and what constituents want. But they can’t know that unless we tell them!
Meet others around Australia who are passionate about action on climate change, and ask questions to help you take the most effective actions.
You'll need Zoom installed on your laptop or tablet. We'll have templates, materials, and ideas to make it easy to write emails to MPs that make a difference.
We'll send you the Zoom link when you RSVP below.
Newcomers welcome! What are you waiting for? :)
This event will take place at the following times:
- QLD/TAS/VIC/NSW: 7.30pm (AEST)
- SA/NT: 7pm (ACST)
- WA: 5.30pm (AWST)