Are you looking for a highly effective and impactful way to help build the climate movement and shift the political stalemate?
Climate for Change is calling for people interested in training as facilitators and people interested in hosting events as part of its Climate Conversations Program in 2021. They have identified several electorates which could have significant impact in building multi-partisan support for strong climate action and will focus efforts there early in 2021 to test potential for significant growth in the area.
If you are looking for something meaningful, effective (and fun) to do to stop climate change, come along to this information session to find out more.
Thursday 14th January 6pm-7.30pm
online via Zoom
Having more and better conversations about climate change is one of the most effective things we can do to respond. Climate for Change volunteer facilitators are key to making such conversations happen at a scale large enough to really shift the social climate on climate change in Australia.
Climate for Change’s approach is based on social research that explains that people process information - make sense of it, make decisions about it and take actions around it - through conversations with people they trust. This is how social change happens. Our flagship program, Climate Conversations, uses the party plan model made famous by Tupperware® to facilitate discussions about climate change in people’s homes, among friends. This model of engagement is unique within the climate movement and has proven extraordinarily effective in engaging new audiences at both depth and scale.
Our Impact Report shows the ability of the Climate Conversation model to reach new audiences that other environmental organisations have historically found challenging to tap into, shift the “wavering middle” of Australia to increase their commitment to action, and build the movement by motivating people to sign up to take action.
For every 10 people who attend a Climate Conversation, 7 change at least one behaviour, 8 talk more frequently about climate change with people around them, 3 divest, 2 change power companies, 4 make changes to their lives like eating less meat, 5 contact politicians more frequently, and 5 increase their volunteering and donations to climate organisations.
By signing up to host a Conversation or train as a facilitator you can help build the climate movement in your electorate, increase constituent pressure on our elected representatives, and help build the political will to act at scale and speed.
RSVP below to receive meeting details and Zoom link.
**NOTE: No need to provide your full address — just your postcode is fine. Thank you.