Special Training w/ Gerald Frape

Please join us for a special training run by experienced social communications researcher and strategist, Gerald Frape!

This training is intended to provide us with extra learning as facilitators. While we definitely encourage new facilitators to come along, it will be especially beneficial to our more experienced facilitators, to give you a more in-depth knowledge to work within!

The training

This dialogic workshop will improve your moderation of gatherings.
Areas to be covered in the workshop include:

Useful communication models

Using Sensemaking techniques to discover what climate change means to people, the sense they make of it, and how to moderate a conversation around what’s meaningful to the attendees (rather than the facilitator).

Using the Stages of Change model to identify the stage of change that attendees are at so that your facilitation of the group discussion is more meaningful to them.

Group moderation techniques

  • Universality of group discussions

  • Hierarchic integration process in groups

  • Retrospective and reflective questions

  • Non-verbal signs, body language, silence, pausing

  • Attentiveness, ‘sophisticated naive’ position and internal responses of facilitator

  • Managing dominators, passives, facilitator allies, ‘experts’ and ‘critics’

  • Summing up the discussion to group satisfaction

Following up

Answering specific questions, issues and questions raised outside the facilitator’s knowledge

About Gerald Frape

Gerald has over 35 years experience in designing social cause communication strategies for state and federal governments, the World Health Organisation and a range of non-government and community organisations.

He has directed large scale media campaigns for anti-smoking and AIDS prevention and conducted communications research for the NSW Environmental Protection Authority, Greenpeace Australia, Oxfam Australia, the Brotherhood of St Laurence and the Dalai Lama’s Australian Tour.

Gerald previously taught Masters units on communicating about social and environmental issues at Macquarie University, University of New South Wales Media and Arts School, the Institute of Environmental Studies, UNSW and was a Senior Associate of the RMIT Community Advocacy Unit. He regularly conducts pro bono training of social cause groups in South India in developing communication strategies for a diverse range of issues and is currently writing a manual on communicating about social causes.

Arrive from 6 for a 6:30 start. The training will run for 2hrs. Nibbles provided.

Please RSVP as soon as possible - we look forward to seeing you all there!

June 15, 2017 at 6:00pm - 8:30pm
454 Smith St
Collingwood, Vic 3066
Google map and directions
Zey Basarin ·
Nathan Eizenberg Bethany Collier Johanna Moraes Jhana Allan Oli Moraes Sarah Rickard Tony Gleeson Samantha Passey Jeremy Dore Alexandra Denning Jenni Goricanec Jess Lakatosh Robyn Erwin Julie Dai Hanya Hoang Shane Delphine Blanche Verlie Peter Foot Jeremy Press Nina Roberts amaryll perlesz Sonja O'Reilly Gulliver Katherine Sunderman Zey B Nicole Robertson Serena Davies

Will you come?

Aboriginal flag Torres Strait Islander flag

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia, whose sovereignty was never ceded. We acknowledge that Indigenous peoples around the world are at the forefront of climate change, both in experiencing its effects and leading solutions for change. We pay our sincerest respects to all Elders, past and present.