June's Topic: Deep Democracy with Pru Gell
Outline: Pru will be joining us to give an introduction on Deep Democracy. Deep Democracy is a style of facilitation which aims to create a safe space for every voice/view to be heard – in particular any “no”s or alternative views. While “no” is often synonymous to conflict, Deep Democracy demonstrates how hearing the “no” can lead to genuine consensus within groups and a greater likelihood of being actually buying into, and acting on, decisions and next steps. For our session, Pru will cover some Deep Democracy theory and show us a few different Deep Democracy tools in action.
About Pru Gell: Pru works with change-making organisations, providing them with a pathway to defining their place within global disruptions, so they can increase their impact. Pru has 15 years experience as a facilitator, is a leading instructor of Lewis Deep Democracy and is the founder of ‘Facilitators Declare a Climate Emergency’. She took part in C4C’s new facilitator training in 2018, and the fruits of her trainings have been part of our community since. Pru lives on Wadawarrung Country with her partner and two children.
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