RSVP for Friday 11 November
We are excited you are taking your first step in becoming a Climate for Change facilitator.
Personal Narrative Training is a 1.5 hour training session providing you great insight into what it’s like to be a facilitator and how to deeply connect with the people attending our gatherings.
We’ll also be using this time to get to know you, your story and what makes you want to protect our future?
Successful completion of Personal Narrative Training will require you to prepare materials using the following two documents:
- Personal Narrative Handout
- Personal Narrative Examples
These will be provided to you via email auto-responder when you RSVP below.
So what are you waiting for? Let's meet each other.
* Existing facilitators are also welcome at any Personal Narrative Training - we appreciate your commitment to developing and sharing your skills with the group.
60 Leicester St Carlton
Melbourne, Victoria 3053
Google map and directions