If you love running, need some motivation to get fit, or just believe in what we’re doing and want to help make a difference, run with us in the Melbourne Marathon Fun Run on 16 October.
Last year we raised $8,500! This year we reckon we can do even better and can get to $15,000.
Money raised will go toward our running costs (no pun intended), including our in-house facilitator training program. We’ve trained 31 facilitators so far and we’re aiming for another 25 by the end of the year - woohoo!
You can run as an individual or recruit friends and run as a team, then ask your friends and family to sponsor you to run (or walk) 5.7km, 10km, 21km or even 42km! (A bunch of Climate for Change-makers will be running the 5.7km together if you’d like to join us -- the more, the merrier.)
If you raise $300, we’ll reimburse half of your registration fee. If you raise $500, we’ll reimburse all of it. (And if you raise $1,000, our new fundraising manager Jackson will run dressed as Forrest Gump.)
Next steps:
Head here to set up a fundraising page (see Jackson’s page as an example).
Sign in or create an account.
Set up your fundraising page.
Fundraising occasion: Melbourne Marathon Festival 2016
Cause: Climate for Change Inc
Fundraising page type:
* ‘team leader’ to start a team (select this if you’re planning to recruit friends)
* ‘join a team’ if you’re joining someone else’s team
* ‘individual’ if you’re running by yourself -
Customise your page. Pick your:
* fundraising target (be ambitious!)
* page title
* picture
* page content
* the content of an automatic thank-you email that will be sent to your generous donors -
Tick the terms and conditions and you're up and running!