Support Lock the Gate's campaign to include a climate trigger in Australia's environment laws.
Our current federal environment laws are out-dated and ill-suited to dealing with the impacts of climate change on the environment. They were passed by the Howard government 25 years ago!
Labor had a welcome election promise to rewrite them and legislate stronger laws in their first term but it now appears they've been delayed again.
Back in 2005, Anthony Albanese introduced a Bill to address the problem, saying: “The glaring gap in matters of national environmental significance is climate change….It is time to act. It is time for procrastination to end.”
However, the Federal Government still hasn't done anything to make a safe and liveable climate a core consideration in our environment laws.
That’s incredibly weak, and it leaves Australia vulnerable to untold damage. Please take the pledge and join the campaign this year to put climate at the heart of environmental decisions.
Sign the climate trigger pledge here! |